
Request Method: POST

Description: Creates one or more SoundFiles.


The following parameters can be sent in the querystring

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
vAPI version to use


The following XML payload must be sent with a createSoundFiles request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <sound_label>Sound File 1</sound_label>
     <sound_group>Sound Group 1</sound_group>
     <!-- sound_file will contain the binary data, base64 encoded, of the sound file you want to create. //-->
     <sound_file><!-- sound file path here //--></sound_file>
     <notes>awesome notes for this awesome soundfile!</notes>
     <sound_label>Sound File 2</sound_label>
     <sound_group>Sound Group 1</sound_group>
     <!-- sound_file will contain the binary data, base64 encoded, of the sound file you want to create. //-->
     <sound_file><!-- sound file path here //--></sound_file>
     <notes>awesome notes for this new awesome soundfile!</notes>


Payload Description

Node NameDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
sound_file > sound_labelA sound label for this sound file. Every sound label is unique in its sound group.
sound_file > sound_groupA sound group for this soundfile. This is to group sound files which will be used in the same functions.

sound_file > sound_fileBase64 encoded binary data of the sound file.
sound_file > notesAny notes associated with the sound file


Error Result

HTTP CodeError StringResolution
400API Version EmptyAdd a value for the v parameter in the query string
400API Version InvalidCorrect v parameter
400Request Method must be POST. x attemptedSwitch request method x to POST
400XML EmptyAdd xml to the request body
400XML parse error. x at line y, column zCorrect XML at point x on line y, column z
400Request EmptyAdd at least one contact to the request
400Sound Label  x of y EmptyAdd sound_label to sound_file x (item) of y (total)
400Sound Label x of y already exists in Sound GroupRemove or change sound_label x (item) of y (total)
400Sound Group x of y ForbiddenChange sound_group x (item) of y (total)
400Sound File x of y EmptyAdd in sound_file base64 encoded binary data for sound_file x (item) of y (total)
400Sound File x of y Exceeds maximum allowed filesizeChange sound_file x (item) of y (total) to a smaller filesize file
400Duplicate Sound File ReceivedRemove any duplicate sound_label and sound_group combinations from the XML
500Internal Server ErrorRetry later

Success Result

HTTP/1.1 201 Created